Project Description

EU-Funded Next-Gen Spinal Research

We are part of an EU-funded Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN programme “Training innovative future leaders in research and development of materials and implants for the spine” (NU-SPINE). This network consists of three European universities (Uppsala University, ETH Zürich and University of Leeds) as well as industrial (CeramTec GmbH, Key Engineering Solutions and OssDsign AB) and clinical (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust) collaborators.

NU-SPINE aims to deliver novel material compositions with a higher degree of biocompatibility as well as novel implant designs adapted to the local loading situation. Important deliverables for the network are also innovative methods for more accurate evaluation of the demanding tribological and corrosive conditions surrounding the implants. NU-SPINE will train talented researchers with the scientific and entrepreneurial mind required of the next generation of leaders in academia and industry connected to these medical devices.

Project Details